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final editing tweaks

With a new teachers eyes on our piece, we decided to make some further tweaks to make our video more professional. this included using software after effects to add some blue smoke and blue ink effects that we downloaded off the internet. we then used the overlay tools on hard light and transition effects, on the lip syncing element of our video. this made our video look so much more professional, really adding an edge to it. not only this but we also added an entirely backwards sequence at the end of our video to connote the genres editing style further. we see this used in Alt-J's Breezeblocks video, which uses backwards motion. on revision of our video we have also become aware that the argument scene looks more like a short film rather than a music video, and whilst we did this on purpose to connote the genres more narrative based nature, we have realised that maybe the argument scene is too long. we have tried to edit this slightly by choosing key scenes form the argument scene out and slowing them down to make them more poignant within our work. we have also added one more title sequence to our work, this is the "directed and produced by" title sequence. we did this as a result of further research into the genre showing music videos such as Halsey's New Americana video who use this title sequence stating the man who directed the video.

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