Contact sheet and assessment
After as closely as possible following my photoshoot plans, I then used all the previous knowledge I had from my last year of media in which i used my skills in the subject to take my magazine photographs, aswell as this i used my skills from my photography A level and applied these as best i could to my products i wanted to create for my construction tasks. The outcomes are shown below:
There were a few shoot's that took place, as I had planned my shoots around filming days rather than individual days, this was due to continuity reasons and finical reasons, for example, having to buy more smoke bombs to shoot and film individually.
The shoots mainly took place in four locations, Frensham pond with the smoke bomb, the studio at college and my house for the lava lamp and tiff's house for the ink




Upon assessing these images, I decided upon a few photographs that I could see were strong choices, and with the right editing could be used to add success to my products.
There are a few shots which I would consider more unsuccessful, therefore will not be using either due to blurryness or the fact there are just stronger shots but overall I believe the shoots went incredibly well.