Ancillary task's feedback
Survey Monkey
I carried out a focus group interview to find out what a member of the target audience thought of the media product
Here is a less detailed version of the conversation for analysed purposes:
'Image on front clearly being the characters from music video as it’s the same top and the same yellow colours
Also font colour is yellow to match
Like the subtle hint of blue in shading to add to the details
Like the lava lamp as seen in video and how it’s got hints of yellow, lava lamp links to genre
Font matches vibe of lava lamp and like how it is still yellow and blue
Like fact that it has special thanks and how it is vague and then goes into detail
Like the ink used as seen in video and how it is still yellow and blue to match colour scheme.
Like how the ink continues onto spine and how spine is detailed and says name of song and artist
Back has another character from music video which is good and as it’s blue shows contrast to yellow on front
Like the detail that’s gone into making own production company and how barcode is personalised
Like the fact that there is matching vinyl cover as it relates directly to Indie genre.'