Roles and Responsiblities
As I am working as part of a team, me and my partner Tiff, have decided for efficiency to do the majority of the work together, however we have decided to assign certain roles to ourselves. Even though we are both responsible for everything we have divided some tasks, this will assure all tasks are completed and to also enhance the quality of work in certain tasks as using our different skills and talents.
Below this is a list of roles we have devised to be the most important to the production process, and to which one of us is in charge of each task:
- Cinematography: a cinematographer roles and responsibilities revolves around also covering the filming element and photographic areas of the main task (music video) and partnering ancillary tasks 1 and 2 are at the highest standard they can be, this section of the task will include video shoots and shot types decided upon for the music video, PR images for the ancillary promotional poster and album digipak, as tiff and i also take photography as a course at college, and i have further photography experience from GCSE photography also having the necessary software and equipment such as camera, tripod etc, we decided it would be best for Me to take the responsibility for this role. This also is the area that I look forward and enjoy the most from last years experience and from previous work on the preliminary task, i feel like this would allow our work to be the most successful and that i could get some good shots, also producing images of high quality for the ancillary photographs creating professional looking work.
- Editing: This Role helps to cement the final product of our construction section of our coursework are of the highest possible standard, this includes assembling the footage taken and ensuring each shot is at its highest quality through editing software adjustments such as lighting, contrast and continuity, when we are in the editing process of processing the video clips we plan on using Adobe Premier Pro CC, When editing the ancillary tasks this will be done on Photoshop and Indesign, rather then other programmes such as windows movie maker and paint which in comparison to the adobe softwares, we believe will not create as higher quality product, even photoshop is not considered to be ideal for finalising a product therefore this is the reason we will be using a combination of Photoshop and indesign. Editing for the ancillary tasks will mostly consist of enhancing and sharpening and small adjustments to the images. As tiff and I have similar experience and skill at photo editing we decided that we would both work on the ancillary editing, Tiff although enjoyed editing and has a stronger skill set in this then cinematography therefore will be taking the role of the editing for the music video main task as she will be the better fit for ensuring the task is completed to a professional standard.
- Sound: We discussed sound in much depth and decided that we would both take joint role of sound using our separate skill sets to enhance this section as we don't plan on adding much to sound such as special sound effects as we have picked music video for our task, this role will include syncing the music to the video as this is part of editing tiff will be responsible for this part of the sound role, I will take responsibility for the side of sound concerning itself with deciding whether sections including background sound for some parts would be a better fit for the music video as this is sort of similar to the idea of the cinematography which is to do with the appearance of the video.
- Continuity: Continuity is another role we have both decided to share, this role includes continuity between construction tasks within genre, to make sure they all connote the genre and there are no inconsistency's between the tasks, we will just do this as we go along, other continuity such as editing continuity will be taken care of under the editing role.
- Directing: Directing as a role is to ensure that ideas and plans are seamlessly and clearly expressed, therefore making sure there is little, we decided that this would work best as a role if we both input into this role, as we both have responsibility and organisation skill, this way we can help each other along if one falls behind, therefore the directing roles will be both of our responsibilities to achieve the highest grade possible,
- Production: Finally, to managed all of the previously mentioned roles and to make sure we are both happy with the final product of our media course work we have made this joint role to ensure all of this.