Aim and purpose
Moving from our preliminary task to our actual media product, there are a few things in which we will develop and some that will be left behind as are weaknesses.
The aim and purpose of this music video were to explore the representation of the LGBTQ+ Community especially lesbian women and therefore the representation of sexuality within our media product and look at opposing and subverting stereotypes that come with this.
For example, through doing the preliminary task and not including a narrative within it, we learnt that having a clear narrative within a music video will benefit the video massively adding meaning (per Andrew Goodwin) and help to accelerate the text forward (per narrative theory)
Since doing the preliminary task I have learnt a lot more theory (as the preliminary task was set purely to experiment technically) Which I plan to apply to my music video, for example, As I have already spoken about I plan to incorporate Andrew goodwin's music video theory criteria within my work.
I also plan to openly reject sexualisation of women within my work for sexual gratification as goodwin talks about.
I have also decided to stick with the genre as I believe this genre is a choice that me and my partner personally love and therefore find easier to relate to and already have general knowledge on the conventions of the genre which will help us use genre connotations (Goodwin) within our work to make our work a more successful product.
In our video, we aim to represent sexuality and especially within sexuality the lgbt community. To do this, we will be using real lgbt actors, and therefore their body language hopefully will represent real life presentations. To do so the main character in our video will be struggling with her sexuality, she will be admiring a lesbian couple whilst being in a heterosexual relationship. We have decided that this will not follow a stereotypical storyline as the audience may expect, but using todorov narrative theory, our piece will follow a quest to understand herself falling in love with someone completely separate to the couple. We also have decided for our digi pak to include a vinyl, we believe this adds to our products place in the alternative indie genres, as we have seen this in real media products such as Halsey’s Badlands and the Hunna’s 100. The target audience that we aim to target due to our research are younger people aged around 16-25, we have decided this as it is already a prominent target audience within the genre but also when pitching ideas this audience have been the ones to decide what they think would look best, therefore we are making the product for them. These target audience we hope will be made up of male and female members, with no gender preference although we believe it may result in a female audience due to the protagonist being a female therefore females can identify more with the video. We also aim to perhaps have a small secondary audience/portion of our audience be members of the LGBTQ Community as this is the audience we are repsenting therefore would make sense to have as the audience.