How I plan to represent people/social groups within my music videos
Within my music video I plan to represent the realistic representation of elements of homosexual sexuality and other sexualities in the LGBTQ+ Community such as bisexuals and the wider problem of struggling with sexuality, an issue not only in adult sexuality but also in teen sexuality. I plan to use the narrative to do so, with a story about a girl who is unsure of what her sexuality is after seeing a lesbian couple together, but I want to not follow a stereotypical story that might be expected of what would happen next and the girl would fall in love with one of the couple instead I want her to admire this and then go and find her own girlfriend and dump her boyfriend who does not love her and who she is unhappy with.
Other smaller representations within my work will include gender and youth due to the nature of the setting I will be following stereotypical teen behaviour such as drinking.
I will be rejecting the stereotypes of sexuality the usually occur within music videos of over sexualisation of women within the video, I believe unlike Goodwin that this isn’t key in creating a successful video.
How I will use camera, mise-en-scene, editing and other elements to represent the following in my video:
Conventional Representations (Stereotypes) and Representations that challenge stereotypes - I will be rejecting conventional representations of sexuality to an extent by using real members of the LGBTQ+ community as my cast to play the LGBTQ+ members. This helps to avoid stereotypes and use realistic representations. I will keep some themes of stereotypes though, but only in the main protagonist, this is to show that to try and fit in to this community she is trying to use stereotypes to fit in, hence why she has the short blue hair and piercings (Mise-en-scene) but when she sees the lesbian couple that are more feminine she sees that stereotyped features are not nessecary to fit in, To show the character is struggling with her sexuality I will use behaviour and acting to create a distressed character, and therefore use the camera and editing to focus in on this.
Positive and Negative Stereotypes - We will see negative stereotypes of the male boyfriend character being a ‘wasteful youth’ and immature boyfriend character sort of like the stereotype of a jock in American movies and tv. We see this in characters such as Bryce Walker in 13 Reasons why and similar movies, I will portray this representation through use of popular costume choice to reflect his jock nature for example i am going to use a big jacket, i will also be using body language and behaviour to show through facial expressions that he does not take his girl friend seriously. I will also use editing and camera to focus on this. I will also be using positive representations of my artist within my work, using star stereotypes to do so.
How will these representations appeal to your audience or promote the artist? I believe that by using realistic representations of LGBTQ+ sexuality will appeal and attract to those who are part of this community, that is around 1 Million British People as well as supporters of the community, and because of these representations being in a video I believe this could mean viral success and attraction for my video and also in turn will promote the artist and her views