Developed Target auDIENCE
After conducting my initial research into my target audience on three members of society, I decided I would like to futher develop this in more depth to try and have a clearer picture on who my target audience are, to do so I conducted a survey asking more specific questions of my target audience.
Below are the results from my typeform survey, I have analysed a more clear in depth target audience.
Question 1 - AGE
Here I have learnt that my target audience is roughly the age of 16-23,
This helps me establish relatable cast members to have in my video that this age group can identify with creating more of a star persona
Question 2 - STUDENT
Here I have learnt that the social demographic of my audience is mainly student based, therefore in combination with a house party setting as my main set for my video this is an area that they can realte to.
Question 3 - GENDER
Here i have learnt that the gender for my target audience is widely mixed, with female, male, fluid and other audiences, this wil influence my video as I will try and include a variety of gender representations within my video not only 'girly girls' and 'manly boys'
Question 4 - HOBBIES
I learnt here that my target audience has a range of hobbies, mainly as I previously knew art hobbies such as photography or filmmaking. therefore I may base the characters in my video to have art background again to make them as relatable as possible

There was a range of answers for this but all artists related to the alternative/indie genre, artists ranged from the hunna, halsey, declan mckenna. Here i have learnt that as these are the favoruites in the genre, that I should do some research into there videos for inspiration for my own taking note of things such as mise-en-scene, representation, cinematography ad editing.
I have included to the left some of the video's my audience like, as I have already analysed some of these I believe this has helped me assess some key themes of real media products to add within my work. Most of these videos have fresh realistic representations of young people issues for example declan paracetemol shows a teen who is struggling with the idea of trans sexuality.
The members of the target audience suggested fresh ideas and representations as a highly wanted point within music video this supports my pre-esxiting ideas therefore this reinforces my concepts
Question 8 - LOCATIONS
The most selected location as we can see is a house party therefore this is the location I will include within my own video.
Question 9 - ACTOR CHOICE
Actor choice has shown that the girl tiff, to be the most popular choice, therefore this will be the main protagonsit for the video, other choices did include madaline and elisha therefore as they are a couple in real life they will play the couple within the video.
Regarding male choice, there was a mixed response within the results showing choice for all of the boys although luke was the most selected therefore I will plan to film with him.