Initial Development of the Layouts + Images edited for my front cover

On the left side, is my basic layout plan, I made for my magazine “CAUTION”, it is not fully developed and complete as i am sure as i go through i will change components and aspects due to trial and improvement, but this is the basis i will start on. Before getting to this point i opened multiple images in photoshop using the quick selection and eraser tool to go around the images to trial each image to see which fitted the layouts the best, i removed their photographic background as i believe they drew away from the main focus which is the model, and also in my pitch questionnaire it was voted that black background where to be used.
On the mast head i used my downloaded fonts to create a more finished looking masthead, I also added rough cover lines to see where they would fit with the image(S).
These are screenshots of the roughly edited stronger images i went thorugh for the selection process and the layouts i tested.