in case of survey above not working i have copied and pasted the questions and answer selection below
Music Magazine Pitch Feedback
Rock Genre
1. What is your gender?
2. How old are you?
0 -12
13 -15
16 - 20
21 - 30
3. Which colour scheme would you like to see in a rock music magazine?
Black + White
Black + White + Yellow
Black + White + Yellow + Red
Black + White + Red
Black + White + Purple
Black + White
Black + White + (Please state other colour)
4. How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?
5. On a scale of 1 (most wanted) to 6 (least wanted) what would you like to see in a rock music magazine?
New Music Albums!
Live performance reviews!
Images from recent gigs/festivals/concerts!
Band Merch!
Interviews with upcoming artists!
6. Out of these magazines which one appeals to you the most?
7. Which name would you prefer for a rock music magazine?
Other (please specify)
8. What type of act would you like to see on a rock music magazine?
Solo Female
Solo Male
Band - combined genders
Boy Band
Girl Band
Other (please specify)
9. Would you prefer to see on the front cover of a rock music magazine?
Photo of artist/band with black background
Photo of artist/band in outdoors setting
Other (please specify)
10. What would you like to see the artist/band doing in the previous question photography? (can select more than one)
holding instrument
wearing heavy makeup
a rock hand gesture
smoke/smoking effect
standing (no action)
Other (please specify)
Questionnaire Results Analysis
Questions 1 + 2 analysis

Through these initial questions, i ask the basic information of my participants. By doing this i have discovered that out of the 20+ that answered my questionnaire, the 2 biggest groups were people aged 16-20 (60.87%) and females (72.73%). A young base will be the target audience for my magazine as the feedback represents this and therefore can influence my magazine, this highlights the fact that this is a productive feedback sample.
Question 3 analysis

In response to the question 'Which colour scheme would you like to see in a rock music magazine?' there were identical results in the categories:
Black + White + Yellow + Red
Black + White + Red
Black + White + Purple
After seeing this, I believe the use of black white and red is definitely a favourite within my group of participants as 27.27% of participants found this to be appealing, and possibly yellow could be applicable to my magazine colour scheme as again 27.27% of participants found the above colours with yellow added was also appealing. Therefore i will use these colours as my colour scheme, perhaps featuring yellow and purple as highlight colours. I will not use too many colours, as question 6 shows the cover of the magazine NME which consists of a minimalistic colour scheme and was voted most appealing whereas covers using a larger number of colours were voted less appealing. Hopefully this will appeal to the older teen target audience by using basic colours delineating it to be more mature and sophitficated.
Question 4 analysis

The next question i wanted to explore was what is considered to be the best price for my magazine. Even though this is a small feature of a magazine, to make my magazine as true to life as possible I thought this component an important feature. This will make my magazine affordable but will also show quality. The answer overwhelminly voted for was the price of £2.99, followed by the price £3.99 maybe if i was to go for a higher more sophisticated price. only 1 person voted higher than this, therefore i will not go higher than this as i do not think it would be valid to the market. i believe a lower price of £1.99 which was voted for but less than previously mentioned would be too low a price for my magazine and consumer may assume that cheap magazine = poor quality. The average price for a Rock Music Magazine is £3.66 (© Statista 2016) and therefore cohering with my feedback the prices £2.99 or £3.99 are closest and most representative of this. I will use this knowledge in my own magazine.
Question 5 analysis

In the image above are the options i gave my participants for the question on what they would most like to see in the magazine these options were…
New music albums!
Live Performance reviews!
Images from recent gigs, festivals, concerts!
Band Merch!
Interviews with upcoming artists!
The option “Band Merch!" was the most popular choice with 6/23 people voting it as their most wanted, but all other options such as "other" and "Images from recent gigs, festivals, concerts!" were close competing behind this. therefore i will definetely include band merch competitions but also try to include the other options as chosen by my participants. the fact that the most popular options were based around images and little to read means i should take this into account.
Question 6 analysis

Out of the 3 front covers i attached to the question for the participants, the NME cover came out as most appealing, close after the Kerrang Cover being 2nd most appealing.
As NME was deemed most appealing from participants (target audience) with 43.48% of participants voting it as the most appealing, for the appearance and layout - i will take this into account when it comes to making my own magazine, using influence from the layout of this magazine. Although Kerrang coming close second, with 34.78% to captivate as many readers as possible i will use components and inspiration from Kerrang Magazine layout and appearance i will also take kern into account as it is well known for having a Young Target audience similar to the majority of participants who answered this questionnaire, whereas NME has a young adult/older target audience. Perhaps using a more simple layout like NME but colour schemes of Kerrang.
Question 7 analysis

For this Question i wished to know what is the most preferred name for a rock music magazine, It is clear that the names “Cracked” or “Caution” came out most popular with 4 out of 20 participants voting for them each. These are both 7 letter names and begin with C. it seems the trend is that anything longer or shorter than this is less and less popular the shorter or longer it gets an example of this could be "alt" a three letter name voted only once and then "underground" an 11 letter word voted 2 times. I myself dislike these options and would prefer a name such as “EDGE” but to please the target audience i shall use one of these names.

Questions 8+9+10 analysis

I have grouped these 3 questions together as i believe they are linked and crucial to be analysed together, they can influence the look of my magazine together similarly.
For the feedback on the question “what type of act would you like to see on a rock music magazine?” (solo - female or male/ band - mix/female/male). There was heavy preference on a combined gender band (63.64%) although I feel this is very generic and i would like to explore a also voted option of solo female artist as this is more of a niche market also as most of my target audience (participants who answered this questionnaire are female this could reflect this as females are more likely to identify with a younger solo artist of the same gender), the least voted option being girl band (4.55%) i believe this was because a all female rock band is a very rare occurrence in the genre. I will aim to use Mix Gender Band and Solo Female and male acts in my magazine to meet target audience demands.
For the feedback on the question “Would you prefer to see on the front cover of a rock music magazine?” (black background/outdoors setting) Photo of artist/band with Black background was most popular with 59.09% of participants agreeing, i will use this when it comes to doing my own photoshoot although outdoors setting was also popular perhaps i will use this idea for the Contents page or Double page spread.
For feedback on the multiple choice question “What would you like to see the artist/band doing in the previous question photography? choices being…
Holding Instrument
Wearing Heavy Makeup
A Rock Hand Gesture
Smoke/Smoking Effect
Standing (No Action)
almost 50% of the votes were Holding a instrument, therefore on my front page I will think about this possibly being the image as most popular with the consumer. Although all results after this were close tying i will perhaps try to use a combination of all options throughout my magazine as none were strongly un-voted for and therefore not disliked to captivate all aspects of the target audiences desires.
Overall conclusion of analysed findings
After a detailed look at all responses collected for all 10 questions in my questionnaire to participants,
I have come to the conclusion that I should take into account and use the most popular answer option from the questions, from pricing and name to colour scheme and photo ideas in my magazine.
Although i do also think i should include my own ideas to add uniqueness to my magazine, so it is unlike all other main stream magazines more personal, and by using my own ideas rather than results form the questionnaire if i believe it works slightly better as my participants perhaps went off of norms and existing stereotypical ideals of the rock genre. I think a combination of these two will create the best magazine possible.