Double Page Spread
Textual Analysis

Double Page Spread Textual Analysis 1 - Kerrang
Layout - The first impression of Kerrang’s Double page spread layout is very spacious, as there is only one image which is very large taking up just over one whole page, which fits the codes and conventions of a double page spread. The text is got a a lot of different fonts which makes it look busy but is organised and structured accordingly.
Title - The title for this spread, is on the left side of the page, by placing this title on the upper half of this page and also making it the biggest text on the page, lets the reader see this before seeing anything else, it catches their attention, unusually the title for this double page spread is rather long
The title to this rock article is very long and in turn summarises the article very well. This could leave Kerrang at a disadvantage as if they summarise the article then readers won't necessarily feel the need to read the whole thing. The quote used in this article also sums up the artists’ view so the reader would not have to read further for that either.
Font choice and size - The largest piece of text is used in the top left under the smaller writing. This attracts the reader to this specific section to signify that it is the title. The font that is being used in this article is very sharp with rigid edges. Furthermore, the ‘i’ in the work “life” is made to portray the image of the cross but with an arrow head at the bottom of it. The symbol of the cross and the specific font give a very gothic look to the article, this may be to convey the image and musical style of the artist herself. In comparison to the rest of the article, only the artists’ quote is in this font, whereas the rest is in a less enticing font, almost as to not take away from the stimulus behind the article (the artists’ quote)
Images - There is only one image on the whole double page spread which is an image of a female rock artist from mid-torso upwards. This image takes up the entire right hand page and a small amount of the left page. The name of the band is printed in the top right hand corner of the double page spread without overlapping the image. The band name being so separated from any other text could make it more memorable as humans often associate images with words.
Colour Scheme - The colour scheme of the image is very heavily influenced by black as a theme of it. The model wears black clothing with heavy black eye makeup and silver jewellery. This colour scheme of black is backed up by the colour of the text which is also black, but is juxtaposed by the background which is white. This contrast could be used to show the drastic difference between white which could symbolise purity and innocence, compared to black showing rebellion and darkness which is what the rock genre is all about.
Target Audience - For the target audience, i suggest that it is aimed at a younger audience because the model used in the magazine is young herself so it is relatable for a younger generation. Younger models usually mean that the band is fairly new on the rock scene so this is useful to inform rock fans on new up and coming artists and bands. There is minimal writing in this article which may appeal more to a younger generation who like to get through things quickly and may have less patience to read a long article. The target gender is unclear as the colour scheme used of black and white is gender neutral, but this could appeal to females as the artist is herself a female, but this could also apply to males as the artist is very physically appealing.
Double Page Spread Textual Analysis - Terrorizer
Layout - The layout of Terrorizer’s double page spread is very sectioned and organised. There is little overlap apart from the title and quote slightly covering both images. Where the title slightly over laps the main image on the left page. The title sits on the left page on the left half of it whilst the the main image is on the right half of the same page. The second image lies in the top third of the right hand page. The text is positioned at the bottom of the left page and it carries on to the left page to take up the majority of that page.
Title - The largest text of an article is the title, and its aim is to give a brief outline to the reader as to what the article is about. It is used to attract the attention of the reader. The title for this article is, “in a battle there is no law”. This can portray the band as brave and ferocious and also reckless as they see no law when fighting against someone else.
Font choice and size - The font for the title of this article is a very barbaric font in almost a scratched and scuffed metal colour/style. It is very large and fills up a large proportion of the left page. Both quotes used in the article are written in a much more modern font as to show that this is their current views. The font of the text is written in medieval font which can back up the barbaric style font used for the title.
Images - The main image of this article is the main artist of the band which is enlarged to fit almost the entire left page, it is overlapped by the title but the title shadows the image as opposed to cutting it off completely. Therefore the image appears as if it is emerging from be hind the title from dark to light to maybe show hidden identity and mystery. The second image is located on the top of the right page, this is an image of the whole band. In both the main and second image, the models have red and black face make up on to possible show threat and violence as red symbolises danger and is the colour of blood and black symbolises darkness and evil. As well as the colours being threatening, the band members pose in a way that matches the idea of barbarians, therefore backing up the purpose of using a barbaric font.
Colour Scheme - The colour scheme for this article is very heavily dominated by the colours red and black. The only element of it without the influence of red or black is the writing of the article itself which sits in white/cream boxes so the text can show up. This colour scheme of black and red can again support the idea of barbarians and how in battles, to the extreme, people would paint themselves in blood to scare enemies. This links to the title as it talks about battle. The red and black, predominately the black, are very generic rock colour schemes and are used to delineate the style of the band, usually heavy rock.
Target Audience - The target audience i would imagine for this article would be older generation rock fans. I say this because the band members themselves are of an older generation so may be more appealing to people of a similar age. Also they are an older band so their fans may have been following them since they were a new band and a bit younger, so as the band get older, in turn so do the fans and target audience. This may also appeal to an older generation as the font of the article is old medieval text similar to that what may have been written in a scroll. This may repel younger generations as they may see this and automatically link it to history and the education of it, which for a lot of people was a boring experience. But for an older generation, this may draw them in as it is an uncommon font to be used. The target gender i would imagine is males as the band members themselves are all males so this may appeal to them more.
Double Page Spread Textual Analysis - Q magazine
Layout - Q magazine’s layout is very common as it uses multiple images all of which have a small statement describing what is happening in the image. The layout is very simple and organised in the sense that everything slots together perfectly, nothing seems like it is out of place and there is no overlapping. This simplistic style could be used to show the maturity of the magazine itself.
Title - The title is the largest text on the page and tells the reader what the article is about or at least gives a rough idea of it. The title for this article is located in the top left hand corner. The title says “Basque in the glory”. This title is extremely good advertising for the band itself. The word “basque” is a command word the reader will be more likely to pay attention to the article as it is telling them to.
Font choice and size - The font for this title is very simplistic and coordinating with the overall style of the magazine. The size of the title in comparison to other magazines is a bit smaller, but still big enough to know it is the title. I believe they have done this to make sure that the title does not steal away from the diversity of the images used and the context behind the images. The font used in the text itself is again very simplistic maybe reinforcing the maturity of the magazine previously mentioned. Again the text is small but not dissimilar to any other article in any other magazine, they use small text to make sure they do not take away from the images.
Images - There are five images in this double page spread. One image is a simple image of the three band members together in the setting of their gig which was a cave. Another image is a shot from behind the band on stage looking towards the audience to show the setting and how popular this gig was. Another image is an image of the main singer on stage encouraging the audience to join in, above this image is another image almost trying to portray maybe the audience at the same time as the previous photo was taken, them may have done this to positively publicise the band and convey the atmosphere of the gig. The main image is an image of the main singer Jumping in the air and singing right by the barrier of the audience, this could have been done to show the hype about this concert as you can see the audience and the artist both with so much energy. this may have been done also to bring a bit of life to the magazine and to the page to juxtapose the plain feel of the text used.
Colour Scheme - The colour scheme of this article from a textual point of view is plain and white as all of the text is written in a light grey or place in a box of the same colour. But this is juxtaposed by the range of colours in the images used in the article. The colours in the setting are ranging between purple and green, mixed with brown ad that is the colour of the natural setting. This contrast in colours helps to juxtapose the simplicity with the diversity of colours used in opposition to the text.
Target Audience - The target audience for this article i imagine is a younger generation as the setting that the gig is in is a very abstract place to hold a gig, so is more likely to be for a younger generation comfortable in a confined environment and looking for abnormal and exciting gigs to read about and get information on for future reference. The target gender for this article is unclear as it is gender neutral and the pictures show both males and females. There is a slight dominance in the amount of males, therefore may attract more males than females.