Question 4 - Audience

Who would be the audience for your media product?
This part of my evaluation, is focused on looking at more deeply the exact type of audience, that would make the readers of “Caution”. I have made numerous more detailed and specified audience members who would read ‘caution’ These are below, I have done this so there is a wider analysis of what the demographic would look like of this readership and what these people would be looking into my publication. I believe my publication’s demographic would consist of males and females within the ages of 16 to 25 roughly (perhaps with some older 45+ males as a more classic rock niche audience). I believe this age group will be most attracted to my magazine for multiple reasons, firstly my magazine has been constructed throughout with this age group and gender demographic in mind.
After analysing the profiles i had made below, I am glad the success of the mixed gender ‘caution’ presents within its construction is appealing to both genders. I believe this is because the fact that normal rock magazine are heavily male based and that there is still a wider female market that isn’t account for which shows through my research and that there is mixed gender popularity. this could also be a fact that, female are willing to go out and buy magazine are like to relate and identify with those who they read about no matter which gender as they could possibly identify with or be attracted to the artist, therefore i included both genders within my magazines artists. seen below...
it could be said that male’s are stereotypically likely to be attracted to the genre through the fact that most of the genre is based around a males perspective, and stereotypically male things and behaviours such as ‘sex’ ‘drugs’ or a ‘gruesome’ ‘gory’ ‘loud’ look on life. whereas stereotypically females are meant to be ‘quieter’ and it would suggest that it would be more uncommon for females to enjoy these topics covered in such a magazine, although within todays society we see less and less of this stereotypical behaviour. Within my magazine i included both genders 'stereotypical' appeal, i used more stereotypically masculine words such as 'massacre' and 'reaper' along with plenty other examples. also within the layout, text and language choices i included more stereotypically female appeal aspects such as a couple of more artist personal features such as 'gossip' but without making this look to 'childish'.
This lesser stereotypical view nowadays is connoted within my magazines construct as i have used a more original approach to the genre, and that this would attract a more female audience. Caution is focused more towards music, then a less mature audience magazine that would perhaps focus on giveaways or a more gossipy look towards the artists lives, this gives room in my target audience for both genres who enjoy the rock music and older middle aged audiences more known for readership of ‘classic rock’ I chose the age and gender group i did for my target audience as i felt that these would be the most common people who would want to consume my media publication ‘caution’ who would read my magazine elf it was to be professionally published.

Name: Tia Parker / Gender: Female / Age: 16 years old
Interests: Tia enjoys going to concerts, tattoos and dying her hair all relating well to the rock culture. I think these interests relate to the genre, and are very regularly seen in the majority of this target audience, as most artists them selves in the genre have these types of interests.
Attitudes within topics: She embraces the rock industry and culture with both hands on, she likes the fact that my magazine approaches the audience with both genders featured within the magazine, broadening audiences to both genders adding a unique selling point to my magazine, and feels this is just what she is looking for a magazine not heavily based around the male artists in the genre.
Lifestyle: Tias lifestyle is heavily rock based, she frequence’s concerts weekly, and dates a rock band member, films concerts and uploads them to her youtube channel as a blog also has a wide collection of rock magazines. the knowledge and experience within the field that tia has aqquired makes her a good source for feedback
Purchase Habits: Tia’s purchase habits (relating to the rock genre) consist of a volume of downloaded music from ‘edgy’ fresh bands off iTunes and Spotify, Buying Records for her record player of more classic songs of the genre, tickets for concerts again rock related and subscriptions for ‘kerrang’ and ‘Q’.
Other Media Consumption: Other types of media tia regularly visits are websites such as youtube to watch band watch backs, and live videos along with websites such as ‘tumblr’ for a more raw band fan art along with ‘twitter’ for band annoucements. She watches films such as “‘school of rock’.

Name: Tiff Cooper / Gender: Female / Age: 18 years old
Interests: Tiff’s interests are mainly presented through her hobbies such as being in a band herself, listening to other rock artists, and wearing/buying band merchandise, she has a interest into piercing’s and ear stretching and this is shown through her appearance and her favourite group is ‘twenty one pilots’ (featured in my magazine under the alias twenty two pilots as they are an upcoming band) and artist is ‘paramore’. I believe these interests are highly common and relevant to the rock community and therefore my demograhic nearly being as far to go as a ‘stereotype’.
Attitudes within topic: Tiff is very involved within the rock industry, as an upcoming female artist herself sees a good gap in the rock industry for females, and would collaborate with a magazine such as ‘caution’ easily and would find the magazine a good beacon for rock music.
Lifestyle: Tiff’s lifestyle is highly influenced by rock music, As she is always doing gigs and buying and promoting other artists within her clothing and her makeup and overall appearance all scream influence of the genre.
Purchase habits: Tiffany’s purchases consist of downloading from the rock section of iTunes, again buying collectors vinyls, Tickets to festivals such as ‘reading festival’ and buying band merchandise through the internet.
other media consumption: tiff uses other media as a means of influence of rock. such as television programmes such as old episodes of ‘Roc’ and the new ‘school of rock’ television show, she also watches festivals she has visited previously on the BBC as they tend to record festivals. she also watched streaming websites such as ‘netflix’ and listens to BBC radio 1 and Absolute Radio, she frequents social media websites such as ‘Tumblr’ which she runs a fan art account with 1000+ followers. and uploads her own bands music to ‘sound cloud’.

Name: Aaron Morris / Gender: Male / Age: 17 years old
Interests: Aaron’s interests consist of writing song lyrics (being a music student), and travelling around euroupe following his favourite band’s lifestyle of living life to the full. He enjoys music by artists such as ‘red hot chilli peppers’ and ‘bring the horizon’ (featured in my magazine under ‘red hot flame throwers’ an older much more well known band and ‘bring me the horror’ a established band within the genre.)
Attitudes within topics: Aaron has a extremely positive attitude towards the rock industry, he agrees that its nice to see more female artists featured in a magazine but not completely wipe out the male artists, and therefore agrees my magazine has achieved this. This agreement of someone of the opposite gender on the topic allows me to believe my magazine has achieved the intended audiences wishes.
Lifestyle: Aaron leads a lifestyle that is heavily influenced by rock believing this is the way most people should live life. Regularly spotted around town with headphones in and a piece of paper and a pen writing down music ideas and browsing the web for his favourite bands next tour stop. This form of commitment to artists and tour stopping is seen commonly in the music industry especially rock, and i have catered for this in my magazine including on my double page stop tour dates and locations (seen on the left).
Purchase Habits: His other habits - spending habits, are paired to her other interests being purchases of tickets to bands, flights to countries in which bands are playing.
Other media consumption: He also consumes other media sources, He reads rock music magazines such as classic rock and spends time on tumblr reading blogs and sound cloud as well as listening to radio such as planet rock. the variety of this media gives me an insight into what other people within my target audience might also consume, and how i presented aspects of these in my own media form ‘caution’.