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Front Cover
Draft Layouts
Contents Page
Mast Head
Main Coverline
Details of college
Selling Line/Issue Number/Date
Image (Also Background)
Contents Heading
Main Image
Page Number
brief description of article
brief description of article
brief description of article
Editorial Letter
Page Number Index
Page Number
Page Number
Page Number
Page Number
Above are mock ups of layouts for my preliminary college magazine, they show where the main features of the magazine will go.
The left layout is the layout plan for my front cover, i have used the codes and conventions of a college magazine, i believe these help to make my work as realistic to a actual college magazine as possible. I have also added my own feature to this magazine, using the details of the college to add information to the cover.
On the right is my planned layout for the contents page of my college magazine. Once again i have used the codes and conventions of a contents page for this type of magazine, again as i believe this add realism and structure to my work and by using inspiration from a real magazine i believe will help my target audience relate.
Overall, I think my layouts are the best possible, and effective drafts. They are simple and use space to its advantage (not missing out information but not to cramped and overwhelming).

Photoshoot Images

The images above are the best images from the photoshoot. I thought i would include these images to show how the photoshoot went.
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