Double Page Spread
Audience Feedback

Feedback 16-20 Female
The first area of work "Appropriate to audience and task" was filled out saying it was appropriate to audience and task, with no even better if.
For "conventions of layout and page design", the respondent replied with the work is "well structured and easy to read" and the even better if was the "writing could overlap photo a bit", I was unclear of the meaning of this, so to get a clearer picture i asked..
The 3rd Area "Variety in fonts and text size", the strength was "good variety of fonts and text sizes" although to improve the use of variety of size in the main article itself, to do this I will consider making the question aspect of the Q+A bigger.
The use of Accurate language and register was described as accurate for the "most part" but i "could change the words hop and chat to something more appropriate", I used these words to make the text more aimed at teen audiences but will consider using words such as got on and interview if look sound better with other text in context.
Integration of illustration and text is good, with use of banners across page. Perhaps to use banners on the article itself to high light key parts, i will experiment with this idea perhaps using banners on the questions.
Using Manipulation of photographs appropriately, including cropping and resizing was "used well throughout the double page spread" with no even better if so i will stick with what i have already done.