Development on Genre

After looking over my initial ideas, i have decided upon some features which i think would would fit well with my finished music magazine.
I have finally decided what i would like my genre to be - rock! before this i was unsure of what i wanted the genre to be on taking into consideration photoshoot ideas, or what i would even put on the pages but i have come to the conclusion rock is the best genre for me, as this is the music i enjoy listening to and so do my friends therefore i am very comfortable with ideas around the genre.
i have decided on a target market for my magazine, i will aim for this to be older teenagers and young adults, also with a middle aged target audience who identify with the older bands.
the main focus of my magazine will likely be a solo female artist as i feel this can attract both males because of the appeal of an attractive female and also to females themselves as they can identify with them.
my colour scheme will consist of dark and dull colours as a background with brighter colours on top as banners such as the colours yellow and purple, and maybe red.
I have scanned through the internet, watching music videos on Youtube and looking at pictures off of Pinterest for examples that appeal to me and interest me and rock seems to be the most suitable choice, and also by doing this genre i see it as setting myself a challenge!